Welcome to my Website!

Yes, that really is exciting. Warning: level of excitement may cause head to explode.

My first web page

What this is

A simple page put together using HTML

Why this is

To learn HTML

  1. To my boss
  2. To my friends
  3. To my cat
  4. To the little talking duck in my brain

Where to find the tutorial


Row 1, cell 1 Row 1, cell 2 Row 1, cell 3
Row 2, cell 1 Row 2, cell 2 Row 2, cell 3
Row 3, cell 1 Row 3, cell 2 Row 3, cell 3
Row 4, cell 1 Row 4, cell 2 Row 4, cell 3




Are you:



An hermaphrodite


This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!